Bread and Wine
Sergey Sergeev, Bread and Wine
Sergey Sergeev began his studies in stage decoration, but moved on to have incredible success in the world of fine arts; taking part in many major groups and solo shows and having his work in the collection of museums in the USA, Ukraine, and Russia. He is a member of several forward-thinking art groups including; Non-conformist Movement, Experimental Art Society Exhibitions, and UNESCO International Artists Federation.
Bread and Wine is considerably traditional compared to the whole of Sergeev’s body of work. The neutrality of the colors, the simplicity of forms, and scarcity of objects in this painting is so severe that it’s captivating. There is certainly a deeper meaning, but there are very few clues provided to reason what it is. The title suggests ties to religion. To support this reading is the symbolism behind the composition being broken up into three areas of interest, and furthermore, when you connect the three you get a triangle; both the number three and the triangle were used as symbols of the Trinity in Renaissance times. Even after determining that Sergeev is dealing with the subject of religion, it is hard to conclude what he is trying to say about it. Bread and Wine is not overly positive or negative; it just is.